Photo by Min An from Pexels

GLOWING 系列為雷射轉移指的保養品系列包裝,靈感來自於宇宙間的星空與銀河。利用雷射材料的特性與白墨的調配,在深色背景中透出若隱若現的雷射效果,漸層的圓圈在轉動盒子時產生光影流動,使細線的K字形成最亮眼的焦點。盒子開口處也保留了未印刷的三角區域,更顯雷射效果的閃耀。 

Inspired by the cosmos. The series of GLOWING cosmetic packaging design generate a luxury atmosphere. Darkened background and gradient circle create a looming fluid shine when applied on holographic material. The fine lines build up sparkles of the K logo as of it is the most glowing star in the sky. We purposely designed an unprinted triangular tip on the opening as to highlight the original holographic effect.

K Laser is FSC®-certified.
You can find the registry of our certificate number SGSHK-COC-330756 and SGSHK-COC-330655 on

Creative Director : Curtis Ju
Designer : Sarah Tsai
Photographer : Chong Kok Yew


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