(Wuling, Taroko National Park, Taiwan)

Scents of Ilha Formosa 是四個為一組的香氛蠟燭包裝設計,透過四個盒子的組合展現出帶有雷射效果的綿延山丘。各個包裝盒都代表著相對應的台灣茶種,分別是鐵觀音、東方美人、高山和桂花烏龍。 ​​​​​​​
Scents of Ilha Formosa is a series of packaging consist a set of four-component boxes which illustrate continues images of rolling hills with holographic effects. Each packaging represents a Taiwanese tea varieties, Iron Goddess, Oriental Beauty, High Mountain and Osmanthus Oolong.

靈感來自於台灣當地茶文化。台灣茶以獨特的香氣聞名,是世界上最優秀的茶品之鄉。綿延的山丘象徵著香氣延續不斷,茶香和香氛蠟燭產品的結合,也創造了融傳統入於現代的可能。 ​​​​​​​
The project Scents of Ilha Formosa packaging was inspired by local Taiwanese tea culture. Taiwan is home to some of the world’s finest tea varieties, known for its unique fragrance. Combining the aromas of tea into scented candle/fragrance product invites centuries of tradition to meet modern lifestyle.

Creative ​​​​​​​
Traditionally, tea culture represents the image of mild, gentle, elegance and graceful. Its aroma depends on several factors such as water temperature and brewing time, like how holographic materials reflect to different viewing angles and lighting environment. We created the packaging design with pastel colors to mimic the images of traditional tea culture and highlighted the design with holographic spot varnish to create the characters of everchanging aromas.

Printed by HP Indigo 10000 One Shot Simplex
Rainbow Metallized Holographic paper supplied by K LASER Technology

Creative Director: Curtis Ju
Designer : Sarah Tsai


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