Photo by Skitterphoto from Pexels

傳統認知中,雷射包裝材料是由 PET、PVC、OPP 等不可回收的膜類與紙張貼合而製成。為了響應綠色生活,K Laser 獨家推出 Eco-paperboard® 作為雷射包材的環保新選擇,製程改將雷射效果轉移到紙張上,形成可回收的雷射轉移紙。 
Traditionally, holographic packaging materials consist types of film, commonly PET, PVC, OPP or laminates of film and paper, where the film is not eco-friendly. Eco-paperboard by K Laser is introduced as an alternative of film based holographic packaging material, which is produced via transfer process instead of laminating. The process applies holographic effect onto various kinds of paper and paperboard, resulting in a 100% sustainable holographic packaging solution.

* Surface Brightness
* Scratch Resistance
* Foldability
* Printability (UV Printable)

三折頁靈感來自於環保、綠能與大自然,葉子輪廓圖以黃金比例繪成象徵著永續發展,而黃金比例是自然界中常見的數學比例,它具有在藝術和設計上達到美麗、平衡與和諧的特徵。 As the brochure for eco-friendly packaging solution, our main design concept is to create a futuristic image that also relates to green, nature and sustainability. Inspired by nature, the leaf outline illustration symbolizes sustainability with the golden ratio. The golden ratio is a mathematical ratio which can be commonly found in nature, it has the characteristic to achieve beauty, balance, harmony in art and design.

Eco-paperboard® 產品的創新製程取代了與膜類進行貼和的製作方式,使產品在使用後便於進行粉碎及回收。為展示此出眾特性,我們將翻開的頁面設計成互動式撕紙體驗區,邀請使用者親身體驗,同時在撕除之後封面簍空區域會透出內頁的綠葉,傳達永續與雷射材料並存的可能性。 To present the feature of holographic packaging material without film, the most direct proof is by tearing it. Film based holographic packaging material cannot be easily torn apart due to the presence of laminated films. We created an interactive design corner for tearing, this feature invites customers to have a hands-on experience. With the interactive corner torn off, the green leaf will reveal from the cover, creating a parallel image for the co-existance of holographic effects and sustainability.

K Laser is FSC®-certified.
You can find the registry of our certificate number SGSHK-COC-330756 and SGSHK-COC-330655 on

Creative Director : Curtis Ju
Designer : Sarah Tsai
Photographer : Chong Kok Yew


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